School Teams

Dear Parents,

As I am sure you are very aware following our last Ofsted, we are now embedding within our school life different elements to ensure that at our next Ofsted we are graded as Outstanding.

One of the elements that we want to develop further, is a more competitive edge to more of our activities as we already know how much the children enjoy competing for the weekly class reading and attendance awards.  

Therefore we have placed every child in the school in a school team. Each team has been given members of staff to lead it and drive up that competitive edge and children will stay within that team during their time at St John’s Green. Children will be able to earn points for their school team through their endeavours in the classroom, the work they do at home, extra curricular activities and sporting events – ie. Sports Day. Each week points will be tallied and the winning team announced and a running total will be kept.

Each team is named after a well-known Colchester landmark or event – ABBEY, COLNE, PRIORY, SIEGE and TEMPLE and has been assigned a colour.

Team Abbey – Red
Team Colne – Blue
Team Priory – Yellow
Team Siege – Green
Team Temple - Purple

To facilitate the smooth running and identification of the teams we have sourced polo shirts which match the colours of each team. Please only buy the coloured polo shirts from the school – we want the children to look and feel part of their team and this is not as easily achieved when children are wearing different shades of the same colour. This coloured polo shirt will also be used as their PE top. You will be receiving a separate letter which tells you which team your child has been placed in and includes an order form for the coloured polo tops. Each polo shirt costs £4.50.

However, I fully appreciate that some parents, for example Year 6, may not want to invest in a polo shirt just prior to their children leaving school. For all other children, the expectation is that they will be wearing the coloured ‘Team’ top as part of their PE kit from September 2013. We are sending the information out now because the teams to which your child has been allocated, will be their teams until they leave the school. Therefore if as many children/parents could support it – it would be very much appreciated.

To download a copy of this letter or an order form, please click on the links below.

The ‘Team’ competition starts officially after the summer Half Term.

Please use the envelope provided with the order form to help us collate the orders swiftly.
Many thanks for your support, any questions please do not hesitate to catch either myself or Mrs. Bourne on the playground.


Simon Billings