About Us

Our Vision

Our vision at St John’s is based on the Gospel according to John, chapter 8, verse 12. In this bible verse, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” For us as a school, we see this universally as a journey of making good choices. Furthermore, it is a celebration of that ‘light of life’ and so our vision strap line is: ‘finding the light in ourselves and each other.’ This is achieved by celebrating our differences and accepting that we are all special.

Our Ethos

We want to nurture a school community where each child feels safe, respected, valued and known. A community in which each member supports one another on the journey of discovery and learning,

We believe that children fulfil their potential in a stimulating, supportive and inclusive environment. We will encourage all of our children whatever their ability, to be the best that they can be. We will foster the development of an enquiring attitude towards learning and encourage children to be reflective, resilient and responsible. The endeavours of all children are valued, and achievements are celebrated and shared.

We will provide an inspiring Christian environment in which our values are evident in all aspects of the school and we promote spiritual and moral growth. We encourage all in our community to treat one another with kindness and consideration and support our neighbours near and far, valuing our strong links with St. John’s Church and others in our community.

In this spirit we set out our strategic priorities.

Our Strategic Priorities
  • To Support all our children to reach their own full potential.
  • To Develop globally responsible citizens who are prepared to contribute to the changing world around them.
  • To Provide effective and committed leadership.
  • To Maintain and enhance our physical environment and facilities to provide the best learning experience for our children.

Our Values

At St John’s we ensure that our Christian Values of Hope, Joy, Love, Forgiveness, Faith and Goodness, which are celebrated and taught in everything that we do, are complimented by British Values, which we see as being universal expectations. Therefore, we teach the children about: democracy, rule of law, freedom of choice and mutual respect.